Map Of The Inside Table & Slot Machines

If this information is stored in a table, such as a dBASE, INFO, or geodatabase table, you can associate it with your geographic features and display the data on your map. ArcGIS allows you to associate records in one table with records in another table through a common field, known as a key. Access free Biblical maps, timelines, pictures, charts and lineages to enhance your study of Scripture!

How to create tables inside table columns?
How to control space between table cells?


Table inside table
Many a times we will be using table inside tables Now we will create two row with three columns. The 2nd row, 2nd column will be split again to a table with two rows, two cols. Also we will be using the attributes cellpadding and cellspacing to handle table space.
Example :
<table border=1 width=80% height=30% align=center cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1>
<tr height=30%>
First Row
First Row
First Row
<tr height=70%>
Second Row
<td >
<table bgcolor=yellow border=1 width=80% height=80%>
<tr >
<td> Inner Table </td>
<td> Inner Table </td>
<tr >
<td> Inner Table </td>
<td> Inner Table </td>

Second Row

Result :
First Row First Row First Row
Second Row
Inner Table Inner Table
Inner Table Inner Table
Second Row
Map Of The Inside Table & Slot Machines
Cellpadding and Cellspacing
The space and padding can be controlled by using the attributes cellpadding and cellspacing.

Slot Machine Base

<table border=0 bgcolor='#776655' width=80% height=150 align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>

The above table can be made more elegant by changing the colors and borders and controlling cellspacing and cellpadding.Result :
First Row First Row First Row
Second RowSecond Row

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